Dieticians, nutritionists and researchers from around the world, I would say that chocolate is a “super food” of heart-healthy antioxidants and chemical compounds rich.
1. The antioxidants in chocolate
Did you know that raw cocoa, unprocessed food is actually richer in antioxidants in the world?
2. cardiovascular benefits
What you do that cocoa reduces cardiac injury by increasing the production of good cholesterol (HDL). This clears the blood vessels of harmful fats. Cocoa flavonoids help reduce blood clots that can damage the blood vessels of the heart muscle.
3. Blood pressure
Moderate consumption of dark chocolate regularly helps reduce blood pressure in different situations, which contributes substantially to reduce vessel damage our heart.
4. Oral Health
Believe it or not, but consume cocoa and dark chocolate products can actually help reduce dental problems, prevent gum disease and even reduce the amount of plaque on teeth. Of course, this does not happen if the chocolate is loaded with sugar, so choose a chocolate rich in cocoa (65% or more) and omit the sugar.
5. Mental alertness and antidepressants
Other research has found that chocolate is theobromine, a small amount of caffeine, and contains anandamide. antidepressant properties demonstrated by researchers when they discovered that the two levels of serotonin and dopamine increased after consumption of chocolate. Carbohydrates and theobromine to help stimulate the nervous system, resulting in excess energy.
This brief summary of the benefits of cocoa and dark chocolate is sufficient evidence of why many people call a super.